Blackpants Workwear are the innovators and leaders of Bleach Resistant Hairdressing, Beauty & Salon workwear. Established in 2001, Blackpants was the brainchild of Leonie McDermott, who saw a gap in the market for stylish yet functional uniforms in both the hairdressing and beauty industries. Leonie took her 20 years experience in the fashion rag trade, and worked with fabric mills to develop a bleach resistant textile – Blackpants own Stayblack Fabric.
Blackpants Workwear has grown into an international company, with a strong presence in both the United States and the United Kingdom. Their customer base has also grown to include many markets – from hair and beauty, to medical and cosmetic to dog grooming. We have even sold uniforms to soap makers and florists!
The Blackpants company mission remains the same:
To design and manufacture quality workwear consistent with what is expected of the Blackpants brand.
To listen to the needs of their customers and design garments that are both stylish and professional, yet also functional in the work place.
To provide exceptional service - offering their customers personal assistance, a simple online ordering process, speedy delivery and an easy exchange and refund process.